The collards that 'should' last longer are giving up and furiously setting seed.
The Red Russian kale thinks it's been transplanted from Siberia to the Black Sea seashore and, while still nice looking, is also getting ready to reproduce.
Drat. I blame
I hear the local weathermen are saying the frosts are over, so I'll prove them wrong and start putting out warm weather plants! Early flat Italian green beans are a good first candidate. I've planted them 'too early' before and they did ok. I'm still going to hold off on the really warm weather tomatoes, eggplant and peppers.
All is not lost. The collards and kale will be chopped up and blanched for canning or freezing to be enjoyed in a couple of months. Easily drained, rechopped and added to fresh tomatoes, olive oil, garlic and seasoning then sauteed for tossing with pasta or rice.
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