Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Meet Kay Detter

I had lunch with a lady I have known for a couple of years now.  We keep showing up at the same meetings and seminars.  Kay Detter has just recieved her LEED Accredited  ..Congratulations!

I have known Kay long enough to know she is totally dedicated to becoming a trusted source of information, an interface, if you will, between Green technology and the homeowner or the apartment dweller.  Kay has spent two years educating herself on the elements of the Sustainability and Green wave.  She now knows what works and why.  With some technologies "Green Washing" can occur.  Someone puts a positive spin on a product or service that may not be all that green.  Kay has taken a long hard look at the options we face as consumers.
Much of this information is available at her website HSVgreen particularly for Level I questions.  However, implementing many of the cost saving strategies can be a daunting task and is unique to each consumer, family and residence.  Kay is available at a reasonable fee to visit with you and simplify the myriad opportunities each of us has to become better stewards of our individual, and shared, resources.
Kay's advice is simple...have a plan and tackle one challenge at a time.

Check out or give Kay a call.  The time is right for Green Irene.

1 comment:

  1. I have known Kay Detter for several months and I have to say her enthusiasm is contagious and her knowledge in this field is a value to our community. We are fortunate to have Kay working for sustainability in Huntsville. If you need any green products or advice call Kay Detter.
    Angelah Hart
